Amir Kamyab-Nejad
Education Chair
CCIM Western Canada
Amir Kamyab-Nejad has been serving as Education Chair of CCIM Western Canada since January 2020.
Amir has initiated and contributed to various efforts to bring in educational opportunities to Western Canada Chapter Members. These include core in-class CCIM courses, webinars, market updates, scholarships, and sponsorships.
What is CCIM Institute?
CCIM stands for Certified Commercial Investment Member.
The mission of CCIM Institute is to elevate our members to the highest levels of success in the commercial real estate profession.
CCIM Institute courses, taught by instructors who are themselves industry leaders, deliver commercial real estate investment methodologies and tools that speed the pathway between opportunity, a go/no-go decision, and success for an asset. Each class is designed to enhance the success of commercial real estate professionals regardless of specialty.
Since its founding more than 50 years ago, the institute has been educating real estate specialists across continents and industry categories. We continue to guide the growth of nearly 8,000 professionals each year, including:
Investors and investment counselors
Asset managers
Corporate real estate executives
Property managers
Institutional investors
Commercial lenders
Portfolio managers (loan servicing)
Many professionals go on to earn the CCIM pin, commercial real estate’s most coveted credential, which represents proven expertise in investment analysis. Since 1967, more than 20,000 professionals have completed the core designation program. Today, fewer than 10 percent of commercial real estate investors and advisers currently wear the CCIM pin, making them the go-to experts in their respective markets. Industry research has shown that CCIM designees significantly outperform non-designated professionals across key metrics, including compensation.
While the core curriculum to earn the CCIM designation is for those who want to set themselves apart as the expert in their company or market, it’s not for everybody. That’s why the institute offers more than 60 other courses, along with custom training, to ensure that everyone working in commercial real estate has access to professional development, regardless of their ultimate career goals.
In conjunction with more than 50 chapters across the globe, CCIM Institute continues to innovate best practices, provide members with industry-leading tools, and advance the commercial real estate profession.